Sunday, October 21, 2007

Anti-aging nutrition with anti-oxidants.

The basic principle of good preventive health is proper nutrition, regular exercise and the reduction of stressful environment. Life expectancy in first world countries has gone up to the 80s. This is largely due to our understanding of proper nutrition and of the battle that goes on continuously at the cell level between the ravages of the free radicals and the life saving anti-oxidants. The anti-oxidants form the basis of our antiaging nutrition.

What are these anti-oxidants ? They are the common vitamins - beta-carotene (vit.A), ascorbic acid (vit.C), tocopherol & tocotrienol (vit.E), selenium and other phytonutrients such as flavonoids, lycopenes, gluthathione, co-enzyme Q10, and some enzymes.

These vitamins and phytonutrients are found abundantly in fruits and vegetables, legumes & whole grains, seeds (almond seeds, sunflower seeds, beans, nuts), fish (fish oil omega3), and selectively in garlic, barley, yoghurt and others.

Obviously changing dietary habits by consuming more of the anti-oxidant food and eliminating the undesirable animal fats, preserved, processed and packaged food, will certainly improve health, prevent chronic diseases and retard ageing. It is healthy eating to take at least 3 servings of fruits per day and always include a variety of vegetables, legumes and fish in the daily meals

For those who are less inclined to "eat to live", there are anti-oxidant preparations where the vitamins and phytonutrients are all included in a single capsule. Taking this anti-oxidant capsule daily together with a multivitamin mineral complex is good insurance for anti-aging. Consult your health food store.

Remember, the battle for survival goes on every minute in the cell. The cell is you. It fights very hard to ward off the damaging effects of free radicals. You owe it to yourself to to help out by supplying more anti-oxidants.

Next week: How exercise supplements your anti-ageing nutrition.

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